Creamy Fruit chat Recipe

 Creamy Fruit Chat


Grapes :1 cup,

Watermelon :2 cup,

Apple :2 cup,

Fruitcocktail :1 can(375 ml),

Bananas: 5-6,

Kiwi :2-3(optional),

Pomegranate :1,

Cream pack (200ml),

Sugar: 2-3 tbsp,

Salt :2-3 pinches,

Black pepper powder :1/5 tsp,

Chat masala :1/2 tsp,

Raisins :2-3 tbsp,


Take a bowl and add all ingredients in it,

after adding all ingredients  mix well.

Your easy and delicious creamy fruit chat is ready..... 

Serve and Enjoy this amazing recipe!😋
